10 Surprising Uses of Aloe Vera I Wish I Knew Earlier in Life.

4. Aloe Vera Scrub

Scrubbing your face is a skincare practice for exfoliating your skin. It aids in the removal of dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, lowering the likelihood of clogged pores and acne breakouts. There are numerous face scrub products on the market. They are, without a doubt, effective, but some of them are too pricey. Not everyone can afford to use it. But what if we told you that you could make your own face scrub out of aloe vera?

All you’ll need is a small bowl of rice flour and an aloe vera leaf. Make little pieces of the aloe vera leaf by splitting it open. Dip these pieces in rice flour and use them as a face scrubber. Massage this piece gently over your entire face, then rinse with cool water. Use this scrub once a week to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells from your face.