Imlie 8th May 2021 Episode Written Update : Anu’s Shocking Revelation

Imlie 7th May Episode Recap  : Adi tells Imlie that if she is worried about herself, it is best if he stays away from her; she went to Pagdandiya, Anu’s home, and the hostel without telling him, and if she wants him to stay away from her, he will not follow her again.

Star Plus : Imlie 8th May 2021 Episode Written Update 

Dev lifted his hand on Malini, according to Anu. Malini is taken aback and wonders how papa is able to accomplish such feats. Dev lifted his hand on Anu twice because of the servant Imlie, Anu claims, so she shouldn’t be shocked. Malini claims that her father is incapable of doing so. Anu claims that she has shielded her from everything, and that she is now standing where she has been for years, defending Adi incorrectly, and that whatever happened to her should not happen to Malini; she claims that all she wants is for Aditya not to betray her as Dev did.

She goes on to say that she used to stay at Dev’s house because of Malini, but she no longer wants to, particularly after he touched her; she has no idea how Dev is connected to Imlie. Malini enquires as to what she means. Anu claims she has been concealing the truth for the past 20 years and believes that if she does not reveal it, Malini will suffer as a result. Malini is perplexed. Anu reveals that Dev had an affair with a woman 20 years ago when he went to Pagdandiya/PD.

Imlie 8th May 2021 Episode Written Update : Anu's Shocking Revelation

Malini is taken aback and exclaims, “This can’t be.” Anu claims to be aware that she is capable of speaking bitterly but not of lying. Malini inquires as to how Imlie is connected to this. Anu claims that she, too, is trying to figure out and gather evidence that Imlie and Dev have some kind of relation. Malini enquires as to what she means. Anu claims that she does not want Malini to go through what she has. Malini wonders if papa and mom are fighting over the same problem, such as papa cheating on mom. Anu is concerned that anyone from PD will say Imlie is Dev’s daughter. Malini exclaims that it’s unlikely, then pauses and panics.

The Tripathi family rushes in, inquiring as to what caused Malini to become agitated, and whether Anu said something to her. Anu claims she had no idea she had raised her daughter to be deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafening Malini is already nervous, Pankaj says, and they shouldn’t bother her any more. Taiji asks that we not discuss Malini and Adi’s relationship. Aparna claims that everything will work out in the end. Malini says she’s fine, apologises for bothering them, and asks them to leave because she needs to rest. Aparna asks if she’s sure, then informs her that they’re gone and that she can contact them if she wants anything.

Malini also asks Anu to leave because she wishes to be alone. Anu departs as well. Malini believes that if papa is really staying in PD and leaving guy, if Adi is also leaving her like papa, and if Imlie is really papa’s daughter, she shouldn’t have any doubts and should look into Imlie herself, including going to PD to meet Imlie’s mother.

Sundar sings as he cleans Aditya’s bed, and when he notices a mattress, he pulls it out to clean it. When Taiji notices this, she informs her team. Sundar believes Imlie is to blame for this as well. How can a couple sleep separately in the same bed, according to Tauji? Nishant claims he gave them honeymoon tickets in the hopes that things would return to normal. Aparna inquires as to why Adi dropped Imlie off at Anu’s house and then returned from the outside without entering. Taiji claims Malini ordered Adi to dump Imlie; if the two had a problem, why would she do such a thing?

According to Pankaj, curtains are drawn to conceal dirt. Nishant believes Malini lied to protect Adi. Aparna claims that they hid their issues. Nishant claims that he has a lot of questions on his mind and that he tried to talk to Adi, but he is in a different zone. Aparna claims she recalls Malini telling them to go to their house rather than ours. Pankaj claims that he doesn’t understand how Adi can’t adapt to a nice girl like Malini. As a result, Taiji claims, Anu is attempting to disprove her doubt. Pankaj is astonished that Adi lied for Imlie.

Rupali walks in and says she didn’t think they’d change so quickly; before Imlie was taking care of her family and children, she was their dear one, and when a minor issue arose, they pushed her out of their minds. Since Imlie went to Anu’s home, Pankaj claims Adi has been acting strangely; they remember Imlie but did not go to meet her as Adi did. Rupali claims that they didn’t think twice before taking action against Imlie, and that when they think of her, they curse him; she is embarrassed to be the daughter of this family. They’re just dreaming, according to Nishant.

Rupali screams that they are accusing Adi and Imlie when Imlie has given so much for them and has gone to stay where she knows she would not be respected; he had no idea that even Nishant will become involved in the politics of this home. Tauji claims that he, too, adores Imlie. Rupali then inquires as to why he is plotting against her. Aoarna claims that they are a family, not individuals, and that they are working together to solve Adi and Malini’s problems. She says she understands their worry, but they also taught her to keep her conscience clear; she’s not sure whether they’re betraying their own or Imlie’s consciences. Pankaj insists that they speak with Adi.

Imlie notices Daadi cleaning the house and inquires as to what she is doing. Daadi claims that the servants are on vacation, so she is doing the washing. Let her do it, Imlie says. Daadi claims that it is easy, so she is going to do it. Imlie, in typical fashion, blabbers about praying to Heaven, going to the park, or doing something else as she cleans the house. Daadi says she’ll find something else to do in the meantime. Imlie is thrown garbage by Anu. Daadi inquires as to what she is up to. Anu claims she is showing a servant girl her location, and that the garbage belongs in the trash can. Daadi claims that she was only doing the same thing a few minutes earlier. Anu claims that she would have asked Imlie to clean the garbage anyway, and that if she feels she would pamper her like Dev, she is mistaken. Imlie makes an attempt to flee.

Anu gives the order to pick up the trash. Daadi asks her to come to a halt. Anu states that she would not stop until Imlie changes her ways; she also states that she went to see the Tripathis and saw them happy after Imlie left their house; Malini was also happy because Adi was paying attention to her again, and she gave her bags to pack clothes for their honeymoon trip in a few days. Hearing the enrages Imlie. Daadi is perplexed as to why the honeymoon came at such a late date. Looking at Imlie, Anu says they’ve been planning for a long time and hopes no evil eyes land on them. She inquires as to why Imlie is surprised, as if she is dissatisfied with her Malini didi’s happiness.

Imlie leaves without responding, sad, but thinking she is happy because she wanted Adi to keep every promise he made to Malini, and she hopes Seeta maiya will always keep them both happy.

I’m really sick. Mith pays a visit to Satyakam’s home. Satyakam is concerned for her and wonders why she came in such a bad state. He becomes rude and asks why she came here. She claims she came to him to request that he speak with Imlie. He advises her to chat with Imlie’s baba. She claims that Imlie now needs her dadda rather than baba. She claims that she is correct: one loves others only when they are in need; he supports anyone who comes to his home, even if it means sacrificing his life. Mithi passes out. He runs over to her, worried.

Imlie 9th May 2021 Episode Precap : Anu accuses Imlie of following in her mother’s footsteps and destroying someone’s home, and threatens to slap her. Imlie takes Anu’s hand in hers and tells her not to mention her amma, lest she forget that Anu is Malini’s mother. Anu inquires as to her legal standing behind Adi. Imlie exclaims, “Malini got her right!” because she didn’t ask for it. Anu claims to be a naukrani/servant. Imlie exclaims, “Malini!” because she has become naukrani.